

This would be my first ever writing in this blog. Well, then, obviously I owe you an introduction.

My name is Muhammad Zaim, you can just call me Zaim for short.

A lean guy with average height of Malaysian men. I was born on the 90s, grew in Malaysia and codes a lot.


Early in my career, I was thought of working in the semiconductor industry. I couldn’t care less since I’m kinda working in some areas that actually included semiconductor (The CPU I used for programming for example).

I was yearning to work for companies like Intel or Celestica, because both are near to my hometown.

I took Computer Engineering course during my endeavours, that explained why I keep bragging about getting into the semiconductor industry from the start.

As I progress into the course, I found myself to be fond with software technologies. When I started learning about databases and Linux distributions during my studies, the topics was deeply immersed inside my head.

A more software-related courses ensued and I am keen to land a job doing software development. That’s the summary of how I was so intrigued about softwares.

What I Do Exactly?

I do programming and stuff, particularly on website development. I found website as a piece of software that transcends across different devices and machines.

Making good and useful softwares have always been my priority and will always put me on shaky position if I could not deliver one.

I am also an advocate of programming best practices, simply means I will not take it lightly if I couldn’t understand the code that I write without any further and thorough explanation about it.

Most of the time, I deal with PHP code and you could say I am familiar with the $$$ 😎.

Past Works

I have done quite a number of projects in the past, you can check my GitHub account to check some of them.

Most of my monetary related projects are private, there could be nothing much expectation from freelancing projects. It is understandable, no business wants their competitors to get a look into their source code anyway.

Last Words

I appreciate if you made it to here, I am thankful with the journey I have went through from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic up to this point of my life. I have always stepped on the right rocks since, from meeting one random person to collaborate on a startup, to meeting a group of other developers, making money along the way, until I have landed a job as a software engineer.

I couldn’t express the surreal feeling, it’s like the path was paved little by little by Allah to make my life better by each day 🤲. I went through much, happy, sad, depress, everything.

I have met a lot of amazing people, and I want to apologize to any of them if I ever hurt them in any form. 🙏

I have nothing left to say, I’ll left it on here and continue my writing later.

echo "Thank you for reading my first blog!, have a nice day.";